The '19'

'Brave' came from a year's work with the Royal Exchange Theatre & Co op foundation who wanted to do work around 'Youth Loneliness'. I discovered through my research the d/Deaf community, in particular in the South Asian community, were completely invisible. I spent a year on a recruitment drive, developing new partnerships and links within the community and schools.
Out of that year sprung the story of 3 young people from a South Asian heritage who are d/Deaf and the barriers they faced in their community. It took a year working with these young people and their parents, carers and the community to commit their stories to film - it's such a taboo opening yourselves and admitting you are deaf in this community due to prejudices around disabilities.
Role: Producer. Funded by The Royal Exchange Theatre & Co op foundation
"I am glad that we have made this important film, people need to see we are just the same and just because I am deaf doesn't mean I can't accomplish my dreams"
Luqman 17yrs