The '19'

This film tackles the topic of county lines and organised crime, working with a group of young people to tell the story.
'Blurred Lines' marked the launch of the Greater Manchester week of action on against child exploitation at Odeon cinema and will be used as an educational resource in schools across Greater Manchester.
Download lesson plans and resource pack from the Rochdale Borough Council Website.
Role: Director & writer. Filmed and edited by Nick Farrimond. Funded by Building A Stronger Britain Together & Rochdale Council in partnership with M6 Theatre
"Amazing, the young people were so powerful - so good to see and to hear that you will be spreading awareness with this film."
Gail Hopper, Director of Children Services, Rochdale Council
View news coverage about the project here
"Parvez should be very proud as he has been instrumental in leading the way on producing such high-quality life-changing material."
Superintendent Richard Hunt, Rochdale District Commander - Greater Manchester Police